@TellMeAStoryChatGPT - experimenting with AI!
About me...
Hi, welcome to @TellMeAStoryChatGPT! What is this about you wonder? Well, let me explain: Recently I saw videos on YouTube where writers and graphics designers described how AI took their jobs. At the same time I also saw a lot of YouTUbe videos that told me how easy it is to make a channel with AI and that I will be rich in no time. Rich in no time? AI doing the work? Sounds great right 😄
Since I always wanted to make a YouTube channel, and well I actually did make one years ago but let"s just forget this epic fail, I figured well lets do a little experiment!
And thats how we ended up with @TellMeAStoryChatGPT. Now my ground rules are simple: Everything is written by AI. No editing to messing with it. WHat AI builds that will be used. If it glitches it glitches, if it completely fails well I will use that! Actually I hope it fails, I hope it fails often 😄
Now there is one exception: THere is a playlist called My YouTube Adventures. Everything is this playlist, all the scripts they are written by me!
I hope you enjoy my little experiment. If you do like and subscribe on YouTube!